Anyway, 我要去广州带一个星期,然后呢,我要跟我的两个好朋友去上海看看 the world expo 也想去这一个世界的最好吃的饭店Jin mao。 如果我们有时间我们可能也要去苏州和 the 黄上。我在广州的时间我很想每天多吃狗。 然后我要回去香港见我的表哥和表姐,也吃很多点心和Lemon茶。我也要看几个朋友,他们是tattooartists and I will probably make a new tattoo since I've already made an appointment (free of charge)。
我认为你们要问我,我为什么用很差的中文写,instead of 瑞典语? 我要回答:因为我不喜欢说瑞典语!我去中国以前也想联系一点儿。
Ska bli intressant att se hur mycket Thomas har lärt sig nu då! :) Vi ses snart!
The coming week will probably be the most exciting week since I got back home. As soon as I'll arrive in GZ, I'll take the bus just outside of the citycentre and stay in the medical university for post-graduated students of GZ which is a boarding school, which means I will live with 100% local people and do 100% local chinese stuff such as playing majong, making chokladbollar and stuvade makaroner with swedish meatballs :P I will share a dorm among with three students who thinks a visiting foreigner is the coolest occurence on earth and hopefully they won't snore.
Hörs snart! :)

Another foodcorner in the streets of 昆明, 云南province with Thomas and his 迟钝-friend.
Anyway, 我要去广州带一个星期,然后呢,我要跟我的两个好朋友去上海看看 the world expo 也想去这一个世界的最好吃的饭店Jin mao。 如果我们有时间我们可能也要去苏州和 the 黄上。我在广州的时间我很想每天多吃狗。 然后我要回去香港见我的表哥和表姐,也吃很多点心和Lemon茶。我也要看几个朋友,他们是tattooartists and I will probably make a new tattoo since I've already made an appointment (free of charge)。
我认为你们要问我,我为什么用很差的中文写,instead of 瑞典语? 我要回答:因为我不喜欢说瑞典语!我去中国以前也想联系一点儿。
Ska bli intressant att se hur mycket Thomas har lärt sig nu då! :) Vi ses snart!
The coming week will probably be the most exciting week since I got back home. As soon as I'll arrive in GZ, I'll take the bus just outside of the citycentre and stay in the medical university for post-graduated students of GZ which is a boarding school, which means I will live with 100% local people and do 100% local chinese stuff such as playing majong, making chokladbollar and stuvade makaroner with swedish meatballs :P I will share a dorm among with three students who thinks a visiting foreigner is the coolest occurence on earth and hopefully they won't snore.
Hörs snart! :)

Another foodcorner in the streets of 昆明, 云南province with Thomas and his 迟钝-friend.
Postat av: Anonym
Thank´s for taking special care of me as my personal assistan during those months together:P
Johan/Joking/your welcome
Postat av: Thomas
Kärt barn har många namn, Mr Joke :)
Svårt att läsa kinesiska tecken, förstod rubriken och första meningen, sen orkade jag inte försöka :P
Jag har inte lärt mig prata så mycket mer, men har lärt mig fler ord och förstår mer när folk pratar med mig.
Postat av: Lili
Okej, andemeningen av den långa kommentar jag försökt skriva som alltid försvinner för mig:
Dissa inte svenska! det är ett vackert språk. Däremot uppmuntrar jag dig att skriva på kinesiska oftare här.
varför "the"huangshan?
Ha en fantastisk resa! (jag är tokavundsjuk!)